This country isn’t your native one, actually not directly. However during your youthfulness, you develop an unconditional love for it landscapes, traditions, gastronomy… North Italia became your safe place in which you keep memories notably from your favorite trip, the one with your sisters…
Some words about it
Italia is a country between land and sea, between Alpes, Mediterranean sea and lake. This country has extremely various and sunny landscapes. We call it “the boot”, and by nicknamed it like so, we immediately recognize it. In Europe, Italia is one of the most populated country with 57 100 000 inhabitants, a number in constant increase. Unfortunately, it population is going to became more and mor aged… Young people only represent 20% of the inhabitants. People aged of 60 or plus represent 18%. And the number are getting closer.
Once upon a time, the romans…
Italia build itself on the emergence of the roman empire. Indeed, the romans bring their language, their mores, their architecture… And since that, the traditions, landscapes and buildings that romans have instated still shine.
The art
The boot is also well known for its sculptures, by Michelangelo for example, its painting, thanks to artists like Da Vinci, its literature, the music of Vivaldi among others, its architecture with the gothic and baroque styles, its cinema, its traditions... Without forgetting its gastronomy with all kinds of pasta, pizzas, parmesan! But we couldn't talk about Italian art without talking about futurism. This artistic movement appeared in 1909. This period marked a real turning point in Italian art and when you visit Italy, you cannot miss these works of art. In a book that you love, they talked about one type of art that you cherish :
"When Futurism appeared on the front page of the Figaro, on February 20 February, Europe is not shaken by any serious crisis. And few major works are born. Quite curiously, this year marked a pause in the creative effervescence of this beginning of century so fertile in innovations and scandals. It is a period of transition during which the creators draw the sum of the extraordinary acceleration of the ideas and the aesthetic approaches. To spread the idea of the futurist, Marinetti deploys an important editorial activity. He prints on the presses of his review and of his publishing house, both baptized Poesia, a translation in Italian of the inaugural text that entitled Fondazione e manifesto del futurismo. He publishes his second manifesto, Tuons le clear of the moon in the n° 7-8-9 of Poesia in April, then reproduces it in Italian in the poetic collection of his friend Paolo Buzzi. He also publishes the book of Gian Pietro Lucini, Revolverate, that he prefaces, that of Frederico De Maria, Le Leggenda della vita and the translation of D'annunzio intime, published in France in 1903. Finally he published the results of his published the results of his International Survey on free verse. In the meantime, the premiere of his play, The Roi Bombance, is presented on April 3 at the theater of the OEuvre. But none of these publications is futuristic in the full sense of the word. And the drama that Marinetti imagined is still impregnated of the symbolist spirit or of the one of Alfred Jarry. Futurism will have a semblance of existence that the following year, during the meeting of the first artists, Umberto Boccioni, Luigi Russolo and Carlo Carrà, who write in 1910 the Manifesto of the futurist painters, and the first futurist evenings. For the only sign of interest in his project is shown by V. Scattolini who founds the magazine Difesa dell'Arte in November, opening its pages widely to poets close to Marinetti; Corra, Chiti and Settimelli."
The famous places
Some cities and regions are standing out from the rest in this country…
Indeed we have Roma, “the city of Cesar’s and popes”.
Milano, which is one of the most wealthy city in Italia.
Geneva, the “Italian Riviera”.
Venice, “greatness and decline of the Serenissima".
Tuscany, "the home of Michelangelo, Dante, and Petrarch
Sardinia, "a recently discovered coast".